A Hint Of Fresh Air

The air that you breathe has an impact on your health, your feeling of well-being as well as your ability to think clearly and concentrate. It is very important that the air quality in your home is high, especially if you have found yourself spending a lot more time...

A Simple DIY Project

Having an old toilet seat can throw off the look of your whole bathroom. Even worse, a loose toilet seat can drive you nuts when you are sitting on it. But neither of these situations should get you down, replacing a toilet seat is not a very complicated task. In...

What Was That Noise?

One thing that most homeowners hate is strange noises. No, it’s not because they are afraid of the dark, but usually, a new noise means a new expense. Take for example when you start hearing a loud thud whenever you turn off the faucet. This can be quite...

Grease Can Kill… Your Plumbing

While we all know it isn’t good for us, a large majority eats a lot of greasy food. While we’re not going to speak of what food like that can do to your arteries, we will speak of what it does to another type of system - your plumbing. Grease clogs are among the worst...

Fixing Up Your Driveway

An uneven driveway can be enough to drive you nuts. Getting into the garage can become more difficult if your driveway all of a sudden is several inches below the entrance to the garage. Sometimes shifting and settling can lead to extreme issues like that, and no one...

That Which Powers Your Home

When you plug something into a wall receptacle, you just expect it to work, isn’t that true? Reliable electricity is a necessity for most of us, in fact, without electricity, you most likely wouldn’t be able to read this blog, isn’t that true?  For some...

Your Steel Shell

The siding of your home is like a shell on a turtle. It protects the inside from the elements and the damage they can do to your home. With so many choices when it comes to siding, it is good to be aware of the different types of siding and their pros and cons. Steel...

Insulation In The Summer?

One of the subjects that you probably didn’t expect to read about in a blog in June is insulation. Something that is interesting about insulation is that it works well year-round. Take your water pipes for example. Many homeowners choose to insulate their pipes...

The Most Prominent Seat In Your Home

Your toilet is probably used a lot throughout the day. You might lose count of how many times you go in there, and in a large family that gets multiplied many times over. If your toilet were to break down, it would probably be a small disaster. While most toilets...

Why Does That Pipe Look Like That?

When water runs down your drain, it displaces the gasses that are located inside of the pipes. Usually, they are funneled out of your pipes through a vent pipe. The reason the sewer gas doesn’t come back out of your sinks is that they have p-traps installed. You will...