The Most Prominent Seat In Your Home

Your toilet is probably used a lot throughout the day. You might lose count of how many times you go in there, and in a large family that gets multiplied many times over. If your toilet were to break down, it would probably be a small disaster. While most toilets...

Why Does That Pipe Look Like That?

When water runs down your drain, it displaces the gasses that are located inside of the pipes. Usually, they are funneled out of your pipes through a vent pipe. The reason the sewer gas doesn’t come back out of your sinks is that they have p-traps installed. You will...

Can You Still Sell?

Are you trying to sell your home in the middle of the current pandemic? If so, are you stressing out or even despairing that you won’t ever get what you are asking for your home? It could be very stressful to try to sell a home when stay-at-home orders and other...

Using Thermal Imaging During the Pandemic

Thermal imaging has many different uses in the home inspection industry, but it can also be a helpful tool for medical personnel as well as for government agencies trying to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. How so? Thermal imaging can detect even a low-grade...

A Home Cleaning You Can Be Confident In

When you clean your home, you probably do a good job already, but have you stepped up your cleaning for the COVID-19 virus? If so, it is important that you clean your home in a way that will actually kill the virus. Some household items have been difficult to get by...

Where Is That Draft Coming From?

When you stand near one of the windows in your home, is there a noticeable temperature difference? Windows are commonly a problem with keeping your home from losing energy. This is true both in the summer and the winter, and over the year, it can cost you a pretty...