by Inspector | Jan 30, 2018 | Uncategorized
The interior walls of a home can tell you a lot about a home’s quality, but also reveal a history of a home that is very telling. The first feature of the wall that everyone notices is the probably the paint, the color, which is many ways is probably the least...
by Inspector | Jan 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
If you currently have your home on the market, you would, no doubt, like the process to go as quickly and smoothly as possible. Are there some ways you can contribute to this? One way is to make sure that the buyers home inspection goes well. What are some ways you,...
by Inspector | Dec 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
With the cold winter season in full swing, we are no doubt making good use of our fireplaces or wood burners if we have them. Should we be under the impression though, that its ok to burn any type of wood, or are there some things that would be a bad idea to burn?...
by Inspector | Dec 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
Many of us have experienced the feeling of a static electricity shock, and although annoying, we don’t tend to worry too much about it. Are there any circumstances though, in which static electricity could prove more than just a nuisance? A static shock in...
by Inspector | Nov 30, 2017 | Uncategorized
Most of the time, knowing whether we have safe water to drink is not even something we give much thought too. But should we be concerned? What if we have well water? Is it always safe for our household to drink? How often should our well water get tested? What is...
by Inspector | Nov 17, 2017 | Uncategorized
A toilet is an essential part of the home. Nearly everyone has at least one in their homes. Its probably not something we give a second thought to, but think about how inconvenient it would be if the toilet stops functioning. What are some things we should do to...