Sewage backing into your home is pretty high up on the list of homeowner nightmares, and if it were to happen to you, you would deal with a lengthy and costly cleanup. One of the points where you can access your plumbing to clean up the cause for a sewage blockage is the sewer cleanout. Depending on the climate where you live, you will find the sewer cleanout in a different place. In cold climates it will often be indoors to prevent freezing, while in warmer climates it usually is located outdoors. While designs differ, it is usually a pipe sticking out of the ground with a cap that has a square peg for attaching a tool to it.
This is the access point that you would use for any type of snaking of the sewage lines leading away from your home. If using a snake here isn’t enough, there might be no other recourse than contacting a plumber to solve the problem.