After discovering mold in your home, one of the first questions you may ask yourself is: ‘should I clean it up myself’? There are a few different ways to decide.
How large is the patch of mold? If the area of mold is no bigger than 10 square feet then you should be able to handle it yourself. However, before you do, make sure you have on protective clothing and a respirator mask to prevent exposure to the mold spores. You can use detergent and water to clean the mold but be aware that the area must be thoroughly dry and have no traces of mold before you repaint or reapply caulk to the area.
Why is the mold growing? The only way to remove the mold permanently is to find out what is causing it to grow in the first place. Moisture may have been leaking into your home and gone on undetected for some time. This is an issue that will need to be diagnosed and fixed immediately to prevent further problems.
Mold in soft furnishings. It can be quite a challenge to remove mold from carpets and soft furnishings. It may be best to call a professional for advice but, generally, even if you do manage to get rid of the mold from cushions and curtains, etc. it still leaves behind stains that are practically impossible to remove.