You might be thinking of remodeling your bathroom to make it look more comfortable and cozier, but here are some very simple DIY projects that can improve the look of your bathroom:
Add Colorful Patterns – If you want your bathroom to look fresh and energized, change the color of your sink and shelving by using easy-to-apply self-adhesive wallpaper tiles. Make sure that these patterns are aligned properly.
Affordable Jars – If you have used pickle jars at home, you can recycle them using arts and crafts. You can give these jars a new purpose by putting your supplies like cotton balls, q-tips, and other things in them. Make the lid colorful using spray paint and glue patterned paper to cover the side of the jar. You can attach a small knob on top for more artistic details.
Give your mirror a new design – Make your mirror over by taping a pattern and then spray painting it to create stripe designs on the frame. Remove the tape slowly to ensure a good result. Even a cheap mirror can look classy by choosing the right design and color.