You suddenly hear scuttering on the floor in the middle of the night… You wonder what exactly it is, so you strain yourself trying to listen to it. You decide to get up and see what it is. As soon as you turn your light on, you see a flash of brown scurry across the floor… It’s a mouse! You’ve just about had it with these rodents making brief stops all across your house, then just as your ready to kill it, it’s gone! What are you going to do about it?

Well, the first thing you would logically do is to buy good mouse traps. Either the ones that just entrap the mouse first, and you can dispose of it later, or the ones that kill it instantaneously and you’d have to dispose of it anyway. Making sure that you would have the right bait would be a key in successfully trapping a mouse. Things such as peanut butter, sugar, and of course, cheese, will increase your chance of kill a mouse.

Another thing you could do is get rat poison. However, if you have little children in your family, this is not recommended for your home for obvious reasons. However, the poison will work wonders if you decide to use this as a mouse killer. Being safe and using common sense in the way you get rid of the mice in your home will help lead to a mice free environment home, and to you getting a good nights sleep without the scuttering of little feet.