Adding cherished memories or stunning art work to a space should fill it with beauty, but at times you may feel that it just doesn’t look ‘right’. The following tips may help you get your art to fit into your space just the way you envisioned. One of the biggest challenges with places art, is just how high to hang it. The good news is there are some basic principles that can guide you with almost any artwork in almost any space.
Most people hang art at eye-level, and that’s a good start, but not everyone’s eyes are at the same level! But you can’t work out the height of every person who will every appreciate your beautiful space, so how can you work it out? Fortunately, you don’t have to. Many art lovers have had years of experience figuring out the right average. That number is 57. Start measuring from the center of your art piece, and count 57″ to the floor. This will give you an ideal height for anyone to appreciate your art, and it will look great on the wall even from a distance.