Like many people, you might have exercise equipment in your home. This might seem like a good alternative to going to a gym, and if you have the room for it, you might feel like there is no good reason not to have it. You should, however, make sure that it is safe for use for you, as well as, for any other members of your family. The greatest risk is for your children. If they have free access to the exercise room, there is a possibility that they get in and hurt themselves while playing around with the equipment. There are things you can do to limit the risk of this happening.
Weights shouldn’t be loose on the floor, since they can be a trip hazard, but you also should avoid having them on shelves where they could fall down on a child. Instead, they should be secured on a rack that is made for holding weights.
Treadmills and other electrical exercise equipment should be disabled so that a child wouldn’t be able to start it up without an adult in the room. When using this type of equipment, be aware of your surroundings to avoid a child sneaking in and getting pinched or hurt in some other way.