While summer is getting closer to its end, there is still a risk of wildfire. This is especially the case in areas where there has been little rain and the grass and undergrowth is very dry. There have been some major wildfires in recent years, and sometimes in areas that hadn’t experienced them before. This means that some homeowners that had little or no experience dealing with this type of situation had to prepare for the devastation that a wildfire can cause.
While there might not be anything you can do to keep your home from being destroyed, it is always a good idea to do everything you can to keep the fire at bay.
This involves removing anything that could be used as fuel. If you have a lot of dry shrubbery near your home, clear it out. If you have a fence, this could be a collection point for leaves and other debris that will burn easily. You should also make sure that your fence itself isn’t going to be fuel for the fire.