Double pane windows are essential in keeping your home well insulated. It is a fairly simple design – two panes of glass are separated by a sealed compartment containing either gas or a vacuum to prevent heat transfer.
If you have noticed that your windows look foggy on the inside, or even condensation forming between the panes, then your windows aren’t doing their job. Double paned windows are sealed with a desiccant that will remove moisture from the air, but if this seal fails and air from the outside leaks in, then it no longer works as well as it used to. It is common for this seal to fail because of the way the gas between the window panes expands and contracts when heated up. This is why you will often see this problem occur with windows that are exposed to the sun for a large part of the day. The constant motion will eventually cause the seal to break.
While you can have the windows repaired, they won’t function as well as they originally did. A better option is to replace the windows all together, but that could get costly.